Connecting to an RDS running in the private subnet of AWS VPC to your DevBox.

Architecture Diagram

AWS RDS Architecture

Existing Database

Step 1: Accessing RDS from a DevBox

  1. Follow the Connecting to AWS guide.

  2. Go to RDS > DB Instances > DB Name.

  3. Select Connectivity and Security.

  4. Copy Endpoint.

AWS RDS Endpoint
  1. Go to DevBox.

  2. Connecting to the Database.

Run the following commands as per the RDS Database Engine:

To install the mysql client cli:

sudo apt install mysql-client

To access the database:

mysql -h <RDS Endpoint> -u <Username> --database <Database Name> -p
AWS RDS Access

New Database

Step 1: Creating an RDS Instance

  1. Follow the Connecting to AWS guide.

  2. Go to RDS > DB Instances.

  3. Select Standard Create.

  4. Use one of the DB Engine in the Configuration.

  5. Choose the Available Versions of the Database.

  6. Choose the Templates based on your use-case. It could be Production or Dev/Test.

  7. Scroll Down to the Settings and specify your Database Name.

  8. Choose Cluster Storage Configuration and DB Instance Class.

  9. Go to Connectivity > VPC.

  10. Choose your VPC , DB Subnet Group and Security Group. Make sure the specified Security Group allows inbound db connections.

  11. Click on Create Database.

AWS RDS -> DevZero

Step 2: Accessing RDS from DevBox

  1. You will see two endpoints. Copy Writer Type Endpoint.

  2. Go to the Secrets Manager.

AWS RDS Secrets
  1. Click on Retrieve Secret Value. This secret is storing your Database Username and Password.

  2. Go to DevBox.

  3. Connecting to the Database: psql -h <RDS Endpoint> --username <Username> -d <Database Name> --password

AWS RDS Access

Last updated