Access Running Applications

Access Your Running Application(s)

Make sure you're connected to the DevZero network by running:

dz network connect

The, find the desired workspace by running:

dz network status

You will see an output that looks like this:

You can use either the hostname or the IP to make network requests when accessing running applications inside the DevBox.

Sending network requests to an application inside the DevBox

Using cURL

To access an application running inside a DevBox using the cURL command, you can send requests to the desired DevBox using the following URL scheme: <protocol>://<devbox hostname>:<port> or the DevBox IP


curl popular-bluejay-yzrt:8080

## OR


In the Browser

To access an application running inside a DevBox in the Browser, you can open a URL that follows the scheme: <protocol>://<devbox hostname>:<port> or <devbox IP>:<port>

Using SSH

To access your DevBox using ssh, connect to your DevBox with devzero@<devbox hostname> or devzero@<devbox ip> as a credential:


ssh devzero@popular-bluejay-yzrt

## OR

ssh devzero@

Port forwarding

As long as you're connected to the DevZero network, all the ports available are exposed to your machine automatically.

If you're running applications inside Kubernetes, you might need to use the kubectl port-forward command fo forwards to port of the application to your DevBox.


kubectl port-forward <pod> <port>:<target port>

Access Your Team's Running Application(s)

The flow for this is exactly the same as all above.

The only difference is, in order to see your teammate's workspace, add the --team flag to the command.

dz network status --team

The rest of the steps are exactly the same!

Last updated