Running ECS tasks locally

Installation guide

Schedule ECS tasks locally using ecs-cli

  1. Create a new workspace with Docker installed (How-to).

  2. Go to AWS Console > IAM > Users > Create user.

  3. Add the following permissions to the user: AmazonECS_FullAccess.

  4. Obtain the credentials under Users > id > Security credentials > Access keys > Create access key.

  5. Install the ECS CLI:

curl -o "ecs-cli" ""
  1. Set the correct permissions:

chmod +x ./ecs-cli
  1. Configure the default profile:

./ecs-cli configure profile --profile-name default --secret-key="<secret key>" --access-key="<access key>"
  1. Configure the default cluster:

./ecs-cli configure --cluster=<your ecs cluster> --region <your aws region> --config-name default
  1. Download a task definition:

./ecs-cli local create --task-def-remote Hello-World:2
  1. Bring up the containers:

./ecs-cli local up


version: "3"
    - type: apt-get
      packages: ["curl", "apt-transport-https", "ca-certificates"]
    - type: apt-get
      packages: ["docker-ce", "docker-ce-cli", ""]
      - key_url:
    - type: command
      command: |
        curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
        chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

        usermod -aG docker devzero
        systemctl enable docker.service
        systemctl enable containerd.service
      directory: /home/devzero
      user: root
    - type: command
      command: |
        curl -o "ecs-cli" ""
        chmod +x ./ecs-cli
    - type: command
      command: |
        ./ecs-cli configure profile --profile-name default --secret-key="<secret key>" --access-key="<access key>"
        ./ecs-cli configure --cluster=<your ecs cluster> --region <your aws region> --config-name default

Last updated