Using Azure Databases

You are connecting to a Azure database instance running in the private subnet of Azure Virtual Network (VNET) from your DevBox.

Architecture Diagram

Here, you will connect to a private Azure database instance from your DevBox. This would be done by setting up a bastion host that advertises the private routes to your DevZero network so that you can access the private service through network tunneling.


Before you begin, follow the Connecting to Azure guide to set up the Bastion Host to access your private Azure services.

Existing Azure Database

To connect to a database running in the private subnet, ensure it is within the same Resource Group and VNET containing the Bastion Host.

If the above criteria is followed then follow the Setting up DNS Private Resolver guide to access the DNS Private Zones.

Now follow the below steps to access the Database instance on your DevBox:

  1. Go to DevBox.

  2. To Setup Database client and connect to the instance, follow these steps:

To install the mysql client cli:

sudo apt install mysql-client

To access the database:

mysql -h <Endpoint> -u <Username> --database <Database-Name> -p

New Azure Database

If you need to make a new database running in a private subnet and access it through DevZero's network, then follow the below steps:

Step 1: Creating a Database

  1. Go to Home > Azure Database for MySQL servers and click on Create.

  2. In the Basics section, select the Resource group you previously selected for your VNET.

  3. Then input your database Server name, Region and the desired MySQL version.

Remember to select the region where your VNET resides.

  1. Under the Authentication section, Enter your Admin Username and password.

  2. Go to the Networking page and under Network connectivity choose Private access (VNet Integration) option as we need to make the instance private.

  3. In the Virtual Network section, select the VNET and Private Subnet.

  4. Click on Review + Create and click on Create to create the database.

After creating the database, you need to follow the Setting up DNS Private Resolver guide to access the DNS Private Zones which houses your database's private domain endpoint for easy access.

Step 2: Connecting to the database from DevBox

Now you just need to follow the below steps to install the database clients and connect to DevBox:

  1. Go to DevBox.

  2. To Setup Database client and connect to the instance, follow the steps:

To install the mysql client cli:

sudo apt install mysql-client

To access the database:

mysql -h <Endpoint> -u <Username> --database <Database-Name> -p

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